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I'm Leah,

your Holistic Health &
Hormone Coach

If you are over 40 and fed up with all the fad diets, tired of doing all the "right things" yet not getting results, then you're in the right place. Let's work together to reclaim your sleep, mood, energy, and waistline.



Women Aging

Curious about unlocking the secrets to thriving through menopause? Each episode features dynamic discussions with top thought leaders in women's health, diving into crucial topics often overlooked by many health providers—nutrition, fitness, hormones, stress management, sleep and more.

This isn't just about aging gracefully; it’s about aging powerfully!

Free Guide:

The Secret to Hormone Balance is Cortisol Management

Do you feel stressed out all the time? Are you tired of feeling tired? Do you feel like you are either at the point of crying or yelling?

You are not alone, and if you're a women over 40, this is actually a common feeling! While you can’t get rid of stress altogether, you can change your lifestyle to help manage your cortisol levels, which is the first step to balancing hormones. In this guide, we’ll cover 7 habits to build your stress resiliency and get cortisol in a healthy range.

Free Guide:

Pantry Detox Guide

Is your pantry a source of NOURISHMENT or TOXICITY for your family?

The good news? I've created a simple guide that exposes the most dangerous ingredients lurking in your pantry right now.

Even better - I'll show you exactly what to swap them with so you can keep making your favorite recipes without the toxic aftermath.

The FREE Ultimate Pantry Detox Guide!

You need this guide to find and remove the hidden toxins and detrimental ingredients that are wreaking havoc on your family's health right now.

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7 Must-see TED Talks that will enlighten you on how and what to eat for better health

November 12, 20246 min read

Sometimes I’m tired of the actual act of reading articles about nutrition and wellness. Luckily, there is a great, largely untapped, resource for those of us who need a break from the written word. TEDx and TED Talks are generally short but very educational. I’ve learned so much from listening to experts from around the world, right from the comfort of my own bed...and it's FREE info!

I’ve watched hours and hours of health and wellness related TED Talks so that I could sift through them and bring you what I consider the top 7 talks that you should start off watching. The speakers are engaging, interesting, even funny at times, and best of all, their messages will teach you something very important about either the food you are eating, the psychology about how you eat, or how other factors may be influencing your overall health - for better or for worse.

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Grab your favorite beverage and curl up on your couch in your PJs or watch an episode while you run on the treadmill. These videos are going to be worth your time and they might be life-changing. 

 1.  Jamie Oliver | Teach every child about food


Jamie Oliver, Chef and activist, is transforming the way we feed ourselves, and our children. The winner of the 2010 TED Prize, he's on a mission to teach every family about eating better and living healthier lives. (Bio from TED.com)

This is a powerful talk about Jamie’s anti-obesity projects and how America’s ignorance in regards to food is wreaking havoc on our children. And if you think this problem doesn’t affect your children, are you sure it won’t impact your grandchildren? This is a full-scale countrywide problem. If obesity doesn’t affect you directly at this point, it affects you indirectly with health care costs, taxes, life insurance costs, wages and more. What he talks about doesn’t just pertain to children. We should all pay attention!

2.  11-year old Birke Baehr | What’s wrong with our food system


If he can educate himself at age 11, then we have NO excuses as adults to not care more about what we are eating and how we are treating the planet. 

This is a short, yet informative and well-written speech by one amazing kid.

3.  How to live to be 100+ | Dan Buettner


He’s not talking about a diet template on what to eat, and he’s not pushing supplements or touting miracle cures. Dan Buettner summarizes 9 different diet and lifestyle habits that keep the “Blue Zone” centenarian societies living robust lives well into their 100s and beyond. There are many healthy habit correlations to take away from the highlighted societies.

4.  Fighting Fat With Fat | Nick Murphy


Nick Murphy, owner of Mission Fitness, is a Certified Personal Trainer and Life Coach. He has 20+ years of experience in his field and is equipped to train clients across the fitness spectrum from the world-class athlete to the morbidly obese, and everyone in between. His passion is to teach people about health, fitness, diet and exercise, and to empower clients to take control of their lives. (Bio taken from TedxTalks YouTube channel).

This video speaks to the Keto Diet, which is currently a hot topic in the media. But what most people don’t realize is that nutritional ketosis draws on science that has been around for decades. Tune in to this short but super inspiring video about an amazing weight-loss story based on a Ketogenic Diet.

If you want to read more about the Ketogenic Diet, check out this great article on MindBodyGreen.com.

5.  Hooked, Hacked, Hijacked: Reclaim Your Brain from Addictive Living | Dr. Pam Peeke


Dr. Pamela Peeke is an internationally renowned physician, scientist and expert in the fields of nutrition, metabolism, stress and fitness. Triathlete and marathoner, Dr. Peeke is nationally known as the "doc who walks the talk" inspiring through example. Her current research focuses on how addictive behaviors have subtly and often profoundly penetrated daily lifestyle habits. (Bio taken from TEDxTalks YouTube channel)

You won’t be bored, and you may even crack a smile in this easy to watch video covering everything from sugar-addiction to how our genetics don't predetermine everything. Dr. Pam Peeke is one of the best TEDx talks I’ve seen. Trust me, it’s worth it. You may even find yourself googling “epigenetics” afterward. I totally geeked out over this one and reaffirmed my love for epigenetic science!

6.  Eat for real change | Dr. Joanna McMillan


Dr. Joanna is a busy working mother, a tautology that provides her with an unwavering drive to teach people how to live a healthy and nutrition-filled life – yet one that doesn’t require obsessive or unrealistic attention in order to achieve it. (Bio taken from TEDTalks  Youtube Channel.)

I’m not going to say much about this video because I think a few words sum it up quite nicely; refreshingly basic. First of all, I am a sucker for a Scottish accent. You could probably get me to do anything if you had a Scot tell me to do it! However, Dr. McMillan’s “back to basics” and “eat real food” talk is actually something we should all be doing! She not only talks about food but about how far we have strayed in some cultures in regards to our thought process about foods and our emotional states while consuming food.

This talk will change how you sit down to dinner tonight. AND she's lovely to listen to 😍.

7.  Sugar...it’s not so sweet | Calgary Avansino


In early 2013, Calgary left her full-time position at Vogue to become a Contributing Editor, and balance her career at the publication with an entrepreneurial venture into the world of wellness. From this, her wellness website was born, encompassing her tips, recipes, and advice for reaching success by living a healthier lifestyle. (Bio from TEDxTalk YouTube Channel)

Most of us know sugar is bad for us, but do we really know how much we eat? Calgary will encourage you to take a real hard look at what you are eating each day and to make better choices. This talk is basic, but it’s what we all need to hear! Changing this one aspect of our daily diet can literally change and save lives.

Have an appetite for more?

You can dive deeper with these great TEDxTalk playlists, What's wrong with what we eat?, Talks for Foodies or Plantastic! Also, check out The 10 healthiest food documentaries that will change your life. The title says it all.

Let me know which one is your favorite, happy watching!

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More reading you might enjoy:

11 Warning Signs You are Unhealthy (that you shouldn't ignore)

How to Build a Well Balanced Meal Using this Technique

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Leah Vachani

Nutrition Coach & Certified Menopause Expert

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4-Week Total Body Reset Challenge

This is not another challenge that you start and don't finish! The 4-week TBR Challenge will kickstart your weight loss, bring a glow to your ski7, and help give you that boost in energy level you need to feel freaking amazing!

12-Weeks to Happy Hormones

This 12-week health coaching program virtually eliminates the problems of hormone imbalances by guiding you step-by-step through everything you need to do to completely transform your health at 40 and beyond.

You’ve tried dieting a million times.

Now try something different.

What it's like to work with Leah

Kim Morrow

I am so much more conscious of what I am putting into my body and I actually feel really empowered and good about myself by saying no to the foods that are not good for me. At Dinner the other night, my husband and kids kept asking me to try one french fry or one bite of their dessert, and I just smiled and said 'no thank you'.

Marisa Lonic

With 20+ post partum pounds, I was looking for a program to help me. I was blown away working with Leah. I lost 9 pounds, felt less tired and formed healthy habits that are now j7st part of my new normal.

Jonelle Fernandes

My whole adult life I have struggled with eating healthy, never really feeling satisfied and giving in to very unhealthy choices. Leah is a phenomenal wealth of knowledge and support when it comes to nutrition. It is because of her programs that I am FINALLY eating healthy on a regular basis! I feel the best I’ve ever felt, I have more energy, better sleep, less inflammation, better skin, and a better mood! Not to mention, I lost 11 pounds and the weight is continuing to come off!

Meet Kathy

She conquered 20+ years of debilitating joint pain after completing the 4-Week Total Body Reset Challenge!

Menopause is inevitable.

Suffering is optional.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Leah Vachani encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Leah Vachani, unless otherwise noted. *I have teamed up with businesses and products that I love and may receive compensation for products I review on this site at no additional cost to you.

@2025 Leah Vachani Ventures, LLC - All rights reserved.