Hey there!

I'm Leah,

your Holistic Health &
Hormone Coach

If you are over 40 and fed up with all the fad diets, tired of doing all the "right things" yet not getting results, then you're in the right place. Let's work together to reclaim your sleep, mood, energy, and waistline.



Women Aging

Curious about unlocking the secrets to thriving through menopause? Each episode features dynamic discussions with top thought leaders in women's health, diving into crucial topics often overlooked by many health providers—nutrition, fitness, hormones, stress management, sleep and more.

This isn't just about aging gracefully; it’s about aging powerfully!

Free Guide:

The Secret to Hormone Balance is Cortisol Management

Do you feel stressed out all the time? Are you tired of feeling tired? Do you feel like you are either at the point of crying or yelling?

You are not alone, and if you're a women over 40, this is actually a common feeling! While you can’t get rid of stress altogether, you can change your lifestyle to help manage your cortisol levels, which is the first step to balancing hormones. In this guide, we’ll cover 7 habits to build your stress resiliency and get cortisol in a healthy range.

Free Guide:

Pantry Detox Guide

Is your pantry a source of NOURISHMENT or TOXICITY for your family?

The good news? I've created a simple guide that exposes the most dangerous ingredients lurking in your pantry right now.

Even better - I'll show you exactly what to swap them with so you can keep making your favorite recipes without the toxic aftermath.

The FREE Ultimate Pantry Detox Guide!

You need this guide to find and remove the hidden toxins and detrimental ingredients that are wreaking havoc on your family's health right now.

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The Difference Between Living and Feeling Alive {a wake up call}

November 12, 20246 min read

What if I told you that you had a finite amount of time on this Earth in this body?

I mean, you already knew that, right?

But if we all knew that, why do we make the decisions that we make?

Are you settling for less?

Why do we treat our bodies with disrespect? Filling them with foods and chemicals that don't serve us? in fact, filling them with things that outright harm us?

Why do we dismiss our feelings so often? The silent death of our self-worth from never feeling like we "belong". The slow agonizing heartbreak of a loveless relationship? Or the day to day submissions to an emotionally (or physically) abusive relationship?

Why do we not strive to fulfill our dreams and reach our goals? Are we so content with living the mediocre life we have settled for? Is this it?

the difference between living and feeling alive

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Wake up!

Wake up! Stand up taller! Raise that chin. Set those shoulders.

Girl, we gotta do this, for YOU!

Forget all the chatter, the white noise, the nay-sayers. What do YOU want? Breakthrough the cacophony to dig deeper into what your inner voice is saying.

We only get so many trips around the sun in this body. Wake UP!

Smell the flowers, take a walk, get that promotion, go to Moon. Do IT. Do that thing you have been putting off. That "I'll do it after...." or "I'll do it when...." thing. Seriously, what ARE you waiting for??

They say that stress can be a good thing sometimes. Like in nature, when a plant is stressed it produces the most potent seeds, nuts, fruit, or blossoms. Use YOUR stress and turn it into a good thing.

There will never be a "good" time

Make a bucket list and start checking things off.

Stop putting off that diet change or exercise routine or class you were "thinking" of starting.

Seriously, there will NEVER.BE.A.GOOD.TIME. I'm just saying the truth.

It's time to start feeling alive - take action!

Did any of this resonate with you? If you wake up tomorrow and any piece of this lingers with you, it is time. It's time to make that change.

Action steps you can take right now to make positive changes your life so start feeling alive:

1) Find a mantra and stick with it.

A mantra is a powerful meditation and therapy tool. Mantra literally means "a tool for the mind". A good mantra can be as short as one word or as long as several sentences. To experience the benefits of a mantra, consistency is the key.

If you already practice yoga or meditation you can ask your teacher for help in deciding on a mantra that is best for you. There are many other ways to discover a mantra that works for you. This article has a nice mantra "recipe" for you to begin with.

Having a mantra to say during the tough moments, when overwhelm creeps in, negativity becomes the easy way, or self-doubt takes over is so helpful for keeping you on the right path. The path away from simply existing and towards feeling alive and vibrant.

2) Make a bucket list

Write down a list of all the things you want to do someday. These are typically the things that you say you can't do right now in your life because of [laundry list of reasons]. While some of these reasons may hold truth, most of your dreams and desires won't come true unless you write them down and make steps toward achieving them.

Make a bucket list and start crossing things off. Whether it takes months, years, or decades to cross off your items doesn't really matter. Much of the joy is also in the planning and anticipation of our goals.

The difference between living and feeling alive

3) Start a gratitude journal

What are you most grateful for? Sometime a simple reminder of what we are thankful for in life can push us to appreciate each moment and each day. Feeling alive can be about the simple things in life just as much as it can be about the big things.

For me, keeping a gratitude journal is really difficult! I keep mine by my bedside but I've learned that mornings are my worst time for being present. Hmmm, something to work on!

To start a gratitude journal, start with this article on How a Gratitude Journal and Positive Affirmations Can Change Your Life. Check out these awesome gratitude journals to get started.

4) Challenge Yourself Physically

Feeling alive doesn't always have to have a mental or emotional focus. We can stress our physical body and get an adrenaline rush, an amazing feeling that we often forget about in our sedentary lives.

So sign up for a race, a competition, or a challenge. Push your physical limits and see how it feels. It might hurt a little, you might be sore and in a small amount of pain, but you will feel alive!

5) Stop doing that which doesn't serve you

This is pretty simple. If an activity or habit in your life isn't helping you to get to where you want to be, isn't offering you any joy, or is taking the place of something you would rather be doing then just stop.

Most of us have some degree of responsibility such as earning an income, cleaning the house, caring for children, etc. However, even within these areas, there is room to make different choices and improve our happiness and contentment factors.

You can change jobs, you can lower your expectations of how tidy the house has to be, and you can simplify life with your children by dropping one of their many activities. These are just a few examples of how you can change your daily life, even within your responsibilities, to obtain the life that makes you feel most alive. Do what grows your spirit, leave the rest.

There are always choices, you just have to open your eyes to see them.

The difference between living and feeling alive

6) Start putting yourself first

As moms, we tend to put everyone else first. Think about it carefully, are you always at the end of the line? When is the last time you thought about your dreams and goals? It can't all be about your children. They are going to experience the best mother when they have a mom who also works towards filling her cup as well.

You may want to read How Saying 'No' Can Be the Best Gift To Yourself.

7) Treat your body like it's the only one you have

We only get one body in this life. Treat your body with the importance and respect that it is due. Eat clean and healthy, hydrate and above all...listen to your body when it speaks to you with symptoms and pain.

Try a cleanse, or a healthy eating challenge. Find a group to keep you accountable, at leats at first, because it is not easy to make dietary changes!

It might take a few days or a few weeks but with the right changes and effort, you will be feeling alive in a body that you may not have thought could feel so good!

(Check out Work with Leah if you need some extra guidance.)

Be the author (not the audience) of your life

Design your new life starting right now. You are the author, now get a pen and start writing. You have a blank page (if you want...) How will you define the difference between living and feeling alive?

Peace be with you. You got this!


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P.S. Stress can also impede our chances at feeling alive and vibrant. Read Stress Management Techniques: How to Build Your Stress Reduction Toolkit

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Leah Vachani

Nutrition Coach & Certified Menopause Expert

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4-Week Total Body Reset Challenge

This is not another challenge that you start and don't finish! The 4-week TBR Challenge will kickstart your weight loss, bring a glow to your ski7, and help give you that boost in energy level you need to feel freaking amazing!

12-Weeks to Happy Hormones

This 12-week health coaching program virtually eliminates the problems of hormone imbalances by guiding you step-by-step through everything you need to do to completely transform your health at 40 and beyond.

You’ve tried dieting a million times.

Now try something different.

What it's like to work with Leah

Kim Morrow

I am so much more conscious of what I am putting into my body and I actually feel really empowered and good about myself by saying no to the foods that are not good for me. At Dinner the other night, my husband and kids kept asking me to try one french fry or one bite of their dessert, and I just smiled and said 'no thank you'.

Marisa Lonic

With 20+ post partum pounds, I was looking for a program to help me. I was blown away working with Leah. I lost 9 pounds, felt less tired and formed healthy habits that are now j7st part of my new normal.

Jonelle Fernandes

My whole adult life I have struggled with eating healthy, never really feeling satisfied and giving in to very unhealthy choices. Leah is a phenomenal wealth of knowledge and support when it comes to nutrition. It is because of her programs that I am FINALLY eating healthy on a regular basis! I feel the best I’ve ever felt, I have more energy, better sleep, less inflammation, better skin, and a better mood! Not to mention, I lost 11 pounds and the weight is continuing to come off!

Meet Kathy

She conquered 20+ years of debilitating joint pain after completing the 4-Week Total Body Reset Challenge!

Menopause is inevitable.

Suffering is optional.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Leah Vachani encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Leah Vachani, unless otherwise noted. *I have teamed up with businesses and products that I love and may receive compensation for products I review on this site at no additional cost to you.

@2025 Leah Vachani Ventures, LLC - All rights reserved.