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your Holistic Health &
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The Secret to Hormone Balance is Cortisol Management

Do you feel stressed out all the time? Are you tired of feeling tired? Do you feel like you are either at the point of crying or yelling?

You are not alone, and if you're a women over 40, this is actually a common feeling! While you can’t get rid of stress altogether, you can change your lifestyle to help manage your cortisol levels, which is the first step to balancing hormones. In this guide, we’ll cover 7 habits to build your stress resiliency and get cortisol in a healthy range.

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Pantry Detox Guide

Is your pantry a source of NOURISHMENT or TOXICITY for your family?

The good news? I've created a simple guide that exposes the most dangerous ingredients lurking in your pantry right now.

Even better - I'll show you exactly what to swap them with so you can keep making your favorite recipes without the toxic aftermath.

The FREE Ultimate Pantry Detox Guide!

You need this guide to find and remove the hidden toxins and detrimental ingredients that are wreaking havoc on your family's health right now.

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How to Detox from Wildfire Smoke (Natural Ways to Cleanse)

November 12, 20248 min read

If you live in Northern California right now, you are well aware of the severity of the air quality - it's TERRIBLE! With Air Quality Indexes (AQI) so high that schools are closed, sports events (even collegiate level) are canceled, and families are housebound trying to escape the thick layer of polluted air right outside our doorstep. What can we do to lessen the toxic burden on our bodies?

Like any parent, I am acutely aware and extremely concerned about protecting my children (and myself) as best I can. The good news is that there are many actions we can take beyond staying indoors. I'm going to highlight some of the easiest yet effective ways you can detox from exposure to wildfire smoke and other air pollution.

East Bay San Francisco smoke pollution from wildfires

My view from the road around 8am when these skies are usually clear with bright sunshine. This was Day 1 of smoke for us, it only got worse.

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How the body reacts to toxins and smoke

When we are exposed to toxins, like air pollution or smoke, our body really only has 3 options. It's very harmful for toxins and pollutants to stay circulating in the bloodstream, so it is imperative that these harmful particles are either destroyed, removed, or sequestered.

First, the body could destroy a harmful invader.

This usually happens when we get sick and battle invading bacteria, viruses or other pathogens. We also see this happening when the body thinks certain foods or plant pollens, for example, are foreign invaders. This is the basic way that allergic reactions work. The body is simply trying to destroy what it sees as not belonging. We won't get into details on that here.

Second, our bodies could try and sequester or isolate a harmful substance.

Unfortunately, the fat on our bodies that we try so desperately to get rid of can often times carries lots and lots of toxins. Why? Because it is a "safe" place for the body to stash toxic material that it doesn't want circulating around the body.

Third, the body can try and remove and eliminate toxins straight out of the body.

This is the option we are here to talk about today. Getting bad pollutants and harmful toxins OUT of the body. Pay attention now, this is what you want to read and implement to help your body (and your kids) detox!

In very basic terms, the body has 4 pathways of detoxing:

1. Skin/Sweat

2. Lungs/Breath

3. Kidneys/Urine

4. Colon/Bowel Movements

Let's talk about how you can specifically support each one of these detox pathways. Many of these methods can also be used safely for children - in fact, I highly recommend you support their detoxification pathways as well!

First - Drink more water!

One practice that will help ALL the detox pathways is drinking lots and lots of water! Each detox pathway uses lots of water to eliminate toxins and to function optimally. Try to find filtered water and drink up!! 

Increase to at least 12-14 8 oz. glasses.

How to detox from wildfire smoke natural ways to cleanse

Second - take off your shoes before entering the home.

The bottoms of your shoes will track in all sorts of nasty pollutants that fell on the ground. The last thing you want to do is carry all that toxic material into your homes, especially if you have crawling babies!

Third - Try to choose at least 1-2 detox methods for each detox pathway!

1) Detox through the Skin

  • Drink LOTS of water - this is so important I am stressing it again! Increase to at least 12-14 8 oz. glasses.

  • Use a nasal spray. Keeping your nasal passages moist and lubricated will help reduce the chance that harmful particles will get stuck in your sensitive membranes (and then swept up into the bloodstream). We like this one because it also reduces inflammation.

  • Rinse with a Neti Pot - very much like using a nasal spray but can aid a little bit better in flushing particles that are resting on the mucous membranes while still moistening and lubricating these sensitive tissues. We use this one.

  • Sauna Therapy - more for the adults (unless you have an infrared sauna!) Being well hydrated and spending time in the sauna can increase the rate at which you expel toxins through sweating. Try 10-15 minutes followed by a 30-60 second really cold shower, then repeat as many times as you feel comfortable with.

  • Dry Brushing - Rubbing a stiff brush on the skin stimulates lymph flow and moves toxins out of your system. I like this dry skin brush to reach all over the back. Here's a step by step guide to dry brushing.

  • Soak in a Detox Bath -  2 cups Epsom salts2 cups baking soda, Optional: 5-10 drops your favorite essential oil (eucalyptus, thyme, and rosemary are great for lungs). Add ingredients to a full, warm or hot bathtub and soak for 20 minutes.

How to detox from wildfire smoke natural ways to cleanse

Children can safely soak in an Epsom salt detox bath.

2) Detox through the Lungs

  • Foods that support the lungs includeMustard, Turnip, Radish, Wasabi, Cayenne, Ginger, Grapefruit, Turmeric, Garlic

  • Make a Lung Rejuvenator Juice using foods that help support lung detoxification like watercress, cucumber, turnip, carrots, and garlic. (Find the recipe here).

  • Drink a Lung Support Detox Tea: You can make your own using this recipe or buy a ready made one like this tea (which is San Francisco based, yay!)

  • Steam Inhalation: Use lung supportive herbs or essential oils. Doing this can help remove foreign substances, clear passages and reduce irritation in your sinuses.

    • Using Herbs: Combine 1-2 tablespoons of thyme in a large bowl of boiling water and cover with a large towel, trapping the steam under the towel. Breath deeply for 1-3 minutes.

    • Using Essential Oils: Use 3-5 drops of essential oil (eucalyptus, thyme, and rosemary are great for lungs) in a large bowl of boiling water and cover with a large towel, trapping the steam under the towel. Breath deeply for 1-3 minutes.

  • Add an air filtration system to your home - this is more of a long-term investment and highly recommended for those who already suffer from allergies, asthma and other respiratory issues. This one is highly recommended by health practitioners. If you are dealing with chronic respiratory issues and you live in a place with poor air quality, then definitely consider an air filtration system for your whole home.

  • Use an Essential Oil Diffuser in the home: This can serve multiple purposes: help add humidity to the air in your home to moisten the sensitive skin membranes, aid in detoxification using the right essential oils, and calm the family (especially if you are cooped up indoors for days and days due to poor air quality).

According to the American Lung Association, the average adult takes 20,000 breaths each day.

get started with an essential oils kit for your family

3) Detox through the Kidneys

  • DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!! Ideally at least 12-14 8oz glasses daily during a period of detoxification. You can add lemon and ginger to your water for an extra boost!

  • Foods that will help you cleanse your kidneys: Lemon juice, Dandelion tea, Marshmallow root, Nettle tea, Parsley, Red clover, Ginger, Turmeric, Watermelon, Pumpkin seeds, Blackcurrant juice, Cranberry juice, Grapes, Spirulina, Blueberries, Millet, Barley, Asparagus, Cilantro, Green Tea, Alfalfa

4) Detox through the Colon

  • Eat more foods that support liver & colon detoxification: Cabbage, Broccoli, Beets, Salad greens, Lemon juice, Green apples, Lentils, Chia seeds, Lacto-fermented foods (sauerkraut, kimchi, apple cider vinegar), Root vegetables like sweet potatoes, Beets, Turnips, Onion and Garlic.

  • Drink teas that contain bitter herbs that support liver detoxification: Dandelion, Yellow Dock, milk thistle, burdock root, turmeric, and gentian. I like this ready-made tea and this one too.

  • Increase Your Vitamin C: Vitamin C aids the liver in detoxification. You can work up to find out what does your body needs by taking 500mg of a buffered vitamin C (this is what we use) every 30 minutes. Once stools begin to loosen you have saturated your body. Keep track of how much Vitamin C you took to reach saturation and take slightly less, divided into about 4 doses, for the next few days.

How to Detox from Wildfire Smoke (Natural Ways to Cleanse)

You can't avoid exposure but you can help your body eliminate it!

Whether you are like me and experiencing the horrible effects of the Camp Fire (and others) in Northern California, or perhaps you are unfortunately exposed to toxic smoke from wildfires elsewhere, it's important to know you can help your body detox from an exposure. While it may be impossible to avoid toxic smoke inhalation, you do have options to combat it!

One more important thing to say... With every breath that burns our throats and every blink of our stinging eyes, we are reminded that we are the lucky ones. So many have lost their homes and even worse - thousands of people are missing still. Our prayers are with you all.

Stay safe and help yourself and those you love detox from the wildfire smoke with these natural and safe methods.

lunch with leah signature

How to detox from wildfire smoke natural ways to cleanse

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Leah Vachani

Nutrition Coach & Certified Menopause Expert

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Kim Morrow

I am so much more conscious of what I am putting into my body and I actually feel really empowered and good about myself by saying no to the foods that are not good for me. At Dinner the other night, my husband and kids kept asking me to try one french fry or one bite of their dessert, and I just smiled and said 'no thank you'.

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Jonelle Fernandes

My whole adult life I have struggled with eating healthy, never really feeling satisfied and giving in to very unhealthy choices. Leah is a phenomenal wealth of knowledge and support when it comes to nutrition. It is because of her programs that I am FINALLY eating healthy on a regular basis! I feel the best I’ve ever felt, I have more energy, better sleep, less inflammation, better skin, and a better mood! Not to mention, I lost 11 pounds and the weight is continuing to come off!

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Menopause is inevitable.

Suffering is optional.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Leah Vachani encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Leah Vachani, unless otherwise noted. *I have teamed up with businesses and products that I love and may receive compensation for products I review on this site at no additional cost to you.

@2025 Leah Vachani Ventures, LLC - All rights reserved.