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After reading School Lunchbox Packing Ideas and Tips -Part 1 I hope you have some sort of container or lunchbox for your kids to transport all the yummy nutritious food you are about to make.
Today we are going to talk about some general tips and ideas for basic lunchbox packing and some ideas for grocery shopping and prepping certain foods ahead of the start of a crazy week so you can have one or two more sips of coffee in the mornings. I'm all about doing anything that allows me to sit for one or two extra minutes with my hot cup of joe.
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I want to open this post with a statement that might sound surprising to you. [clickToTweet tweet="School lunches for kids DO NOT have to be this beautiful, amazing, every-day-is-different creation." quote="School lunches for kids DO NOT have to be this beautiful, amazing, every-day-is-different creation."] If you've seen my Instagram feed (@therealisticlunchbox) or Facebook group (The Realistic Lunchbox) you might think I promote that philosophy a bit, but these lunches are so simple and easy! And I post a lot of variety to give you new ideas and cater to different kid's dietary needs and tastes.
If you've found a healthy way to feed your kids at lunchtime and worry that it is a bit repetitive then STOP! Most young kids love repetition and don't care. So, as long as they are eating healthy foods and there is some variety, then don't worry. Let's be realistic here.
So what does a well balanced healthy lunchbox look like?
Let's break it down...
At a meal that is not served at school, I recommend a goal of half the plate being filled with veggies. However, at school, sometimes this can be tricky because kids have so little time to eat. Eating raw veggies can take a lot of time! So while I still think veggies should be present in a lunchbox, I'm also conscientious of time limitations.
Pack a variety of colors, shapes, and types of veggies but don't overdo it. I am also a big fan of dips like hummus or a yogurt-based homemade ranch dip to pair with raw veggies. This is an easy way to add some protein and healthy fats to a lunch while making veggies more fun to eat.
Some ideas for fresh veggies include:
Carrots/tri-colored carrots
Cucumbers (my kids love the mini crunchers because there is less "mushy" interior)
Cherry tomatoes
Bell peppers/mini bell peppers
Snap peas
Kale (chips)
Ideas for healthy dips:
Greek yogurt
Homemade healthy ranch dip (see recipe idea here)
You can also hide pack veggies in a lunch with soups, stews, or salads. Veggies can be added to sandwiches, pasta or rice or quinoa dishes or even in smoothies! (Check out my recommended Squeasy Gear for smoothies and the Thermos Funtainer for soups and warm food in the prior post, School Lunchbox Ideas and Tips, Part 1.)
I have a love-hate relationship with fruit in regards to nutrition for kids. Everyone touts the benefits of fruit, and that's true, but seriously, what kid doesn't like fruit? I find this the easiest thing to get most kids to eat. And if you are one of the few parents whose kids don't really go for the fruit...don't sweat it. They can get plenty of antioxidants from veggies and calories from other foods (with less sugar).
There are some fruits that don't pack well in a lunchbox. Sometimes raspberries or watermelon (or other fruits with high water content or that are very soft) can get too juicy and squishy. The fruits with the least amount of sugars per serving are the berries, which also have high amounts of antioxidants. Be sure to buy organic for fruits (like berries) that are on the EWG's Dirty Dozen list, which are the foods most heavily contaminated with herbicides and pesticides.
So pack the fruit (or don't), but don't worry too much about what kinds to pack. Just limit the fruit so your kids will eat some protein and healthy fats.
Raspberries (these can sometimes get squishy in lunches)
Whether you and your kids are vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free or have other dietary trends, ALL kids need protein. Make sure there is an adequate source of protein in each meal for your kids. If possible, buy grass-fed, pastured organic meats, dairy, and eggs. Also look for lunch meats or preserved meats without nitrates or nitrates. Read more about how and where to buy good quality meat and fish (and what not to buy) at and Or make your own lunch meats, read more at
Cheese/cheese sticks/cheese stick wrapped in salami or ham
Cream cheese/cream cheese and salmon/cream cheese and cucumber sandwich (on sprouted whole grain bread or between whole grain crackers like a sandwich)
Banana and nut butter (chocolate hazelnut/almond/cashew/sunbutter/peanut butter/etc) on a sprouted whole grain tortilla (rolled up) or on sprouted whole grain bread
Greek yogurt (with honey or maple syrup and/or fruit and/or granola) or as a base for a dip
Hard-boiled eggs
Cottage cheese
Salami/ham/turkey/chicken strips/other meats (can be on a sandwich or as a side to crackers and cheese)
Mozzarella balls (as a side or on a skewer with other food)
Jerky (beef/turkey/salmon/bison)
Roasted chickpeas
Fats usually don't stand alone (unless you are eating a stick of butter or drinking some coconut oil?) They are often packaged safely, protected from oxidation, within whole foods like seeds, nuts, and animal meats. Here is a basic list of foods that contain healthy doses of fats for active, growing kids.
Don't fear the fats! Kids (and adults) need fats to grow up healthy, build strong cells, and grow smart brains! By eating a healthy dose of fats we will hopefully provide the next generation with a much lower risk of diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and many other ailments contributed to by diet and lifestyle. Since toxins are stored in fat, choose organic or clean sources. Read more on the truth about different fats and whether they are healthy for you in this article from Harvard.
Our kids will likely have 20 minutes or less to eat their lunches, and that is being generous for some schools. For this reason, I recommend:
NOT packing foods in multiple containers. One (or two) easy to open containers saves time.
Show some love for the veggies but not too much! Packing half a lunchbox of raw veggies that take forever to chew isn't always the best idea for a limited lunch time. You can always put out a large plate of raw veggies as an appetizer before dinner when the kids are whining for food. (They will also eat more veggies when the veggies are presented first!)
Don't pack things that the kids have to assemble before eating. (Once again, it's a time thing.)
simple lunchboxes for easy packing
Make sure to pack a well-balanced lunch so that your kids can concentrate better at school. When kids are hungry or have fluctuating blood sugar levels from inadequate or poorly balanced meals they show increasing behavior problems, attention problems and can't retain or focus as well.
Does your lunchbox contain a protein source, some fat, veggies and possibly some fruit? Chances are that it's balanced then. Chips, crackers, bread, etc are all extras in my opinion and those are the easiest things to pack. First focus on the protein, fat, and veggies and then fill in the rest as you feel your kid needs.
People eat healthier when presented with colorful, vibrant, well-presented foods. Try to add color with various veggies and fruits, use accessories like muffin cups or silicone pods to present foods in a more organized way, use fun accessories to jazz up some foods, or use a smaller Lunchbox to make it seem full. Large empty spaces can detract from an otherwise appetizing lunch.
Try to pack most foods that your child loves or really likes so you know they will eat it but also pack a few new foods, foods that they've seen other kids eat and are interested in or foods they see at the grocery store that they ask about. While lunch at school isn't really the best place to present a plate of completely new foods, sometimes it can be fun for them to experience a new food with friends (or they can laugh about it together and wonder what the heck mom/dad packed....)
Encourage your kids to never throw away their uneaten lunch. This allows you to see what they are eating, or not eating. This can be incredibly helpful information!
We went through a period when my Kindergartener was having some behavior and attitude issues at school and home. As I saw his lunchboxes come home I realized that he wasn't really eating anything, only some veggies (yeah, I know, he's a bit abnormal in that sense). I was packing a well-balanced lunch but he was so focused on talking with his friends and getting to recess that he just wasn't eating much lunch. We had a couple weeks of sporadic conversation about how our bodies feel based on how and what we eat and he started to make the connection. After that, things went much smoother on the eating lunch front and on the behavior front.
Also, if your kids bring home their lunch leftovers they can eat it as an afternoon snack. Less wasted food and you don't have to prepare an extra snack!
Prepping a little bit on the weekends can really help reduce the morning chaos. Some people like to make lunchboxes the night before, and some don't but either way, you can prep foods like these for lunches ahead of time:
Boiled eggs
Avocado chocolate balls
Granola or energy bars
Fresh produce and fruit is something you are going to have to buy at least once a week but there are some packaged foods I've found to make life a lot easier (and healthier) when it comes to lunch packing. Here are some of my favorite premade/packaged foods available at grocery stores or online. You will find most of these pictured in my lunches (see Lunchbox Gallery).
Wella Bars (found at Costco but it varies by store and region)
Cocoroons (by Sejoyia foods)
Coconut date rolls (Whole Foods bulk section)
Biena roasted chickpea snacks (these are so seriously delicious!)
Aussie bites (founds these at Costco)
Dried fruit, yogurt covered raisins
Sprouted whole grain bread, tortillas, and crackers (I like Dave's Killer bread and Alvarado Street bread for sandwiches, Ezekial tends to fall apart more than the other two)
Dang coconut chips (tons of flavors!)
cheese sticks/Babybel cheeses
Wholly Guacamole individual packs (especially if you don't have the bento style lunchboxes or the silicone pods to separate things)
And lastly, some favorite treats (some are healthier than others) but none contain artificial sugars, flavors or colors.
Chocolate covered colored sesame seeds (Trader Joes)
chocolate covered coconut chips
365 brand gummy stars (found at Whole Foods)
Do you have some lunchbox tips to share? Feel free to leave comments and pics!
And don't forget to check out my Lunchbox Gallery page in the Resources section for even more ideas!
P.S. Do you want to learn more about how to pack easy, healthy and fun lunches? Click here to be added to the list and we will make sure you are one of the first to know when our e-book launches!
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