Everyone is a meal planner. If you eat, you meal plan. For some of us, this simply involves choosing what frozen dinner, seeing if there is mac n' cheese in the cupboard, or what drive-through to hit up. But making these choices still makes you a meal planner.
Do you want to age faster? Or feel like crap all the time? How about weight gain, do you want some of that? Of course you don't! Ok, so let's build you a toolkit to supply you with various stress management techniques. Practice these techniques daily and you can avoid those nasty side effects of being overstressed.
There is a growing trend to lower dietary carbohydrate intake and for many good reasons. By reducing refined carbs, sugars, and empty calories, people are finding they have more energy, disease symptoms are being reduced, and excess weight starts falling off. If you are trying to reduce your carb intake then you will love these 7 surprisingly easy ways to cut carbs while you are out and about.
I like to think of myself as a pretty okay mom on most days, until...I have a couple of bad nights of sleep. Then, the MOMSTER comes out full force and our family knows that nothing will be right until Mom gets some sleep. It's not pretty.